Our Preview Evening was a great success. All the hard work, preparation and planning that we had put into the Exhibition was rewarded by a very successful outcome. The Restaurant was "buzzing" with family, friends and invited guests being there with us to join in our celebrations. It was a great night. The Restuarant Owner, Garry of Sprouts was impressed with our work and offered us the space for three months. That is fantastic for us, as in that time we can hope that more people will view the exhibition and that we may sell some of our work and maybe even gain some recognition. It is a very positive beginning to our Fine Art endevours. We are all feeling very positive and I think we can afford to pat ourselves on the back for a good job well done.
The whole process had its ups and downs, working in a group is not an easy task, everyone has their own methods of working, and there will always be members of a group who do more than others. There will be conflict, heated discussions and some unrest, but on the whole, we pulled it all together in the end. We were very fortunate that our group gelled together quite well. At first we thought that it may be difficult for us to exhibiti our art together as we have such diffrent styles, but the work actually complement each other and looked really effective up on the wall. There were a lot of smiling faces last night as we could not help but feel proud of our efforts. It was a wonderful feeling to see our art on the wall.
It was a night to remember. I feel this is the beginning of a long and prosperous period in my life, and it is up to me now, to continue marketing and promoting my work, and finding other venues to exhibit as well as continuing with the exhibition at Sprouts. This is just the beginning of a successful art career!
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