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Carmarthen, West Wales, United Kingdom
All images Copyright of Penelope Davies.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Second Meeting Group 2 on 17th January 2012

All Photographs were shot on a Mobile and only intended as examples of how to exhibit work

Portraits  and Text from MA show

17th January 2012

Our Group met this morning to further discuss our plans for our Exhibition.We have decided to meet at least once a week and have set up a new group on FaceBook in order to keep in touch with any new ideas, uploading any photos we have shot to share, show the images that we may use for our exhibition and for any other information we may want to post.

We began by discussing our choices of Venues. We had hoped to contact the proprietor of the Pipe Gallery but unfortunately for us one of the other groups has already secured that space. This was disappointing but made us realise that we meed to push on with securing a space for ourselves.

James has emailed the Art Centre but had not heard back from them yet. Later in the day Steph and I visited the Art Centre and spoke to a woman who advised us to return tomorrow to discuss our needs with either Paula and/or Caroline. We intend to do this.

From Art Centre

I had met with one of my friends who is currently studying an MA at the Art College and asked him to forward me the contact details for the Zero One Gallery in the West End of the City. He has now done this.

Plymouth College of Art One Zero Nine 109 Cornwall Street Plymouth PL11PA
Telephone: 01752 257 384
 Flexible space one floor downstairs only, in Cornwall Street. tTe upstairs is a training room and is being currently used.

You will have to confirm precisely what you wish to do there and specify the week numbers/dates and who will be on site. Its a good space and idel for your project hope all this helps.

Jay said that he would speak to Matt about possible exhibition spaces in the City Centre.

Other gallery.exhibition spaces proposed were The Breton Side Bus Station, Whittards in the Mall Shopping Centre (Jess works in the Mall on Saturdays and will approach the Office). We are also continuing to think about other spaces.

We decided to visit the Peninsula Gallery at the University and the Plymouth Museum together after our meeting. We wanted to take note of the layout of the pieces, the framing, installations, and gather any other ideas of how to exhibit our work.

From MA Show

There was a great enthusiasm within our group and we had a very uplifting day together discussing our ideas and thoughts of how we would exhibit our work, and what we might achieve in our exhibition. There were lots of ideas about interactive sources, interviews, contemporary methods of  hanging our pieces. None of us are keen on traditional framing for our pieces. We are all inclined towards a more contemporary feel.

We discussed the possibility of using a projector to show all of our work together and possibly to include other images apart from our single photographic pieces. Nancy said that her mother who is an artist has an excellent projector that we could use.

We also discussed having a "Comments Book" so that the public could express their opinions on our work.

During the visit to the Museum, Steph and Jess both took part in dressing up in Polar Clothing at the Scott of the Antarctic Exhibition. We had fun and found ourselves on the Spotlight BBC1 News later that evening. We discussed the possibility of some interactive source at our exhibition though as yet this was unconfirmed. We need to talk more about this.

As we have to provide a Group Sketch Book, it was decided that this could be left at college so that we can access it at anytime and write our ideas during our meetings.

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