Exhibition at Cafe Latte, Plymouth
Preview Evening
The Second Year of my Degree has seen an astonishing development of my
confidence in being able to contribute and take part in the professional world
of Art and Photography. I am overwhelmed by the success I have achieved, and
excited about my future prospects. I have worked hard on my projects and tried
to ensure that I have taken up as many opportunities that have been open to me.
It has been an excellent year for me on all levels, academically, professionally
and personally.
At the end of the First Year I wanted to ensure that I did not waste
the summer months of 2011, and loose the momentum that had begun to build up
inside me in relation to my art and photographic ambitions. With this in mind I
grasped at the opportunity to work with Fotonow
who were looking for Volunteers to Invigilate at a Gallery in the City, and
also seeking people to help out with Camper
Obscura, demonstrating the wonders of its 360° panoramic visual delights
and magical capabilities. During the time I volunteered with them, I also had
the opportunity to spend a few hours scanning negatives of Robert Lenkiewicz work for Archive purposes. This was very exciting
as there were so many of his works that I had never seen before. I am not a
great fan of his portraits, but his work includes so much more than just
portraits and these were fantastic to see. It is also important to recognise
that every skill is an added bonus that can enhance a CV.
I began volunteering for Fotonow
in June 2011, and continued with them until the Gallery closed in September
2011. It had been a wonderful opportunity to meet and greet people visiting the
space, persuading the public to have their portrait taken, and also to photographically
document passers-by as they strolled around the city.
This opening began the process for me of building my confidence. I
held two exhibitions at the Gallery. At first this was stressful and nerve
racking, but also wonderful for my self-esteem. I have not looked back; as a result
of my work with Fotonow, I feel that
I have grown so much in confidence, and it has enabled me to continue working
towards establishing myself as an artist in the city.
During the Summer I also stewarded for half a day at the Port Elliott Festival for Martin Parr. This was a relatively small
exhibition, and I was there just to stand with his work ensuring that no one
ran away with any prints and to direct people to the print space if they were
interested in buying any prints. It was not the best experience of the summer.
I did not enjoy it very much. The exhibition was in a small corridor which was
very cold and dark. I briefly met Martin
Parr, but he was busy photographing shots of the festival for his next
year’s exhibition. I was not very impressed with the work he had decided to
exhibit here, and felt that maybe as he is so very well known in the
photography field, the quality of his work is not as important as his name.
This is my opinion. I would not Steward there again but everything that I do is
an experience to learn from; in this particular event I realised that for me to
enjoy a work experience, I also have a need to engage with that artist, and
also I like to feel that I am making a contribution in some small way, not just
playing a role. As for the Curating of the Martin
Parr Exhibition, it was Martin Parr’s
choice to Exhibit in a small, dark and damp space, but personally I felt that
it could have been improved if he had some interaction with the public, and
maybe a film showing of his Festival Photography. That would have given the
viewer a better insight into his work. I know that his name alone sells his
work, but I believe that even if you are a very successful artist, that you
should make more effort to give your followers a little more consideration, and
also have a little more time for the people who volunteer to work for you.
Other events that I attended and photographed, not for any particular
professional reason except to network and meet people whom I would not normally
meet, was a Kite Festival at Devils Point, and I helped with a few Beach Cleans with Blue Sound. I am interested in conserving the environment and enjoy
participating in events that are worthwhile, and also fun. I also believe that
it is a good idea to meet and relate to as many people as possible, to take my
camera and be willing to contribute to their cause, as you never know when
someone will need a photographer. If you
appear friendly, reliable, trusting and professional, there is always a chance
that some opportunity will arise in the future. I think it is important to
remember this.
I have purposefully registered on as many Internet sites as I can so
that my work can be viewed by anyone anywhere in the world. The Internet is a
great resource for networking. I have registered on sites such as the Saatchi Gallery, LinkedIn, Artists Wanted, Facebook,
Twitter, flickr and the Lomography
site. Over the past year I have also entered competitions and submitted work to
Fujifilm, AOP, Artists Wanted, Exposure
and Central Park Photo Competition and Wolferstans. In the future I intend
to submit work to on-line Stock Photography Sites.
During the second year of the degree, I have gained confidence in
approaching people to exhibit my work, applying for opportunities that will
enhance my future prospects and establishing a network of friends and
colleagues who have shown an interest in my art. This has all contributed to an
increase in self-confidence, and being able to contribute in a positive and
professional manner towards my future success. I feel that I have succeeded beyond
my expectations, and I am proud of my achievements this far. It has been a journey
of hard work, dedication and commitment that I have thoroughly enjoyed. I had
never presumed at the beginning of my first year that I would have been able to
achieve as much as I have.